• Innovative solutions
    We are not afraid of challenges and complexity.
  • Highly qualified professionals
    Our knowledge and expertise is the key to your success.
  • darkblurbg
    European Union company
    Great location, convenient time zone, progressive and multicultural city.

Top reasons to work with us

Why pick us

  • Wide Range of Technologies

    Our experts have deep knowledge in various technologies.

  • Full Stack Development

    We will design and implement your project from the ground up.

  • Deep Business Understanding

    Our team members have more than 10 years of professional experience.

  • Commitment

    We love what we do and we value our clients.

  • Agile Development

    We do transparent and agile development to minimize risk and improve client satisfaction.

More reasons to choose us

We have standards

High Quality

Always have high standards.

We never make compromise with quality! High quality means less expenses for the client but it also means good company reputation and satisfied clients.


Experience is important.

We can identify your business problems and pick the right technologies for you.


Innovation starts here.

We develop state of the art software solutions that not only satisfy the business needs but also exceed the client expectations.

Open and honest

Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose.

Our team members have participated in both successful and unsuccessful projects in their careers. They know what is good and what is bad for your IT projects and they are not afraid to tell you.

Meet our team

Our experts' profiles

Why choose us?

Our company in a nutshell

Our Vision

Software development that creates quality product and has transparent process leads to satisfied clients.

Our Mission

To provide the business with the software product they want, at the right moment, using adequate development process.

Get in Touch

Do not hesitate to contact us


105 "Boyanski vodopad" Str 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria


Phone: +359 88 850 0371 Phone: +359 88 666 0836


info@goodlightsolutions.com sales@goodlightsolutions.com